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My Quotes

  • Respect (your body/health, relationships, animals/life)
  • How bringing up a child makes you a better person by giving you insights into yourself
  • Success in life is not because of a few correct decisions or calculated risks. It is because of thousands millions billions of little decisions and choices made. (same for success in business. e.g. Southwest, Trader Joes, Costco)
  • Current times, What we choose to do: McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy. It is economically rewarding to give a complex artificial toy away with the purchase of an unhealthy meal. Can we apply that collective will to curing cancer?
  • Perhaps our Future, What we can do: Bitcoin’s Blockchain (Source: Economist). The open-source way of creating distributed trust in an environment where people don’t know each other and there is no central enforcing authority.
  • The fact that ugly Otter cases are most popular accessory for sleek iPhone tells you a lot about the fundamental taste of masses.
  • We are already living in cognitive overload era. Nothing proves it more than the popularity of terse services like twitter and vine.
  • There is no success of failure in absolute sense. Only the ability to do course corrections matters.
    • Success is defined by how quickly you recover from mistakes, not how many mistakes you make.
    • The species that survives is not the strongest or the most intelligent. But the most adaptable.
  • Most successful people know when to stop.
  • Aim: to lead an epic life.
  • There is a difference between liking what you do (passive, inherited) and doing what you like (active, by choice)
  • Start-up life is about struggling against things that stop you and people who tend to put you down. Maybe they should be called Stop-down instead.
    • Till they get traction, start-ups mostly feel like stop-downs
  • In networking, even dead-ends count as legitimate travel (and distance covered on the way to destination)
  • A single letter swap and you can rearrange ‘health’ into ‘lethal’. Maybe that is a reminder for us in real life.
  • There are two kinds of decisions: right ones and timely ones. Strive for them being the same decision.
  • Self-criticism may be the key to perfection. Most important is what you think of your work.
  • The pleasure of doing the right thing is very addictive
  • If you see a thread, pull on it. Living is about unraveling new opportunities.
  • Life is a sum of experiences. Not achievements.
  • The realization that everything is possible is exhilarating. And scary, because there is always a risk of making sub-optimal choice.
  • Faith is individual, culture is for groups. Religion is an artificial excuse to change both.
  • I’d like to be defined by my perseverance, not success.
  • Age does not guarantee wisdom.
  • With great responsibilities, waiting for great power.
  • Rest (give up) or Wrest (with adversity)? That’s the eternal question in entrepreneurship.
  • Mantra for company culture, healthcare: No outcome = No income.
  • Startup life feels like bungee jump. Large swings in emotion for someone who sees the world upside down. (Also, sometimes what feels like up is actually down in the real world, and vice versa).